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Sam Rayburn & Toledo Bend Video Report 1-9-18

Posted by ken on January 12, 2018

New Personal Best

Posted by ken on January 10, 2018

Sarah PB.jpgI teased about this blog a couple of weeks ago and then got caught up in posting videos. Sarah, who has now had a fishing license less than 2 years, caught her new personal best on a cold sunny day in December. Did it all on her own with a lip assist by me, and some fish licking by Bodie the wonder dog. I'm not making any comments here on her choice of bait, a Skinny Dipper, or the color....White Trash. But a 6.08 is really respectable and she's got the pose down now!

Rayburn Video Fishing Report December 2017

Posted by ken on December 18, 2017

Rayburn Update and Toys for Tots

Posted by admin on December 11, 2017

Moonpie santac.jpg

Saturday morning on Rayburn "Santa" Clint Wade of Outlaw Outdoors brought 24 degree temps to Rayburn (that's Steve "Moonpie" Evans my partner for the day with Santa, I held the dog and played photog). The water temp as we idled out was hovering around 50 but as soon as the sun hit the water it warmed quickly. We took a chance and made a pass on a group of trap fish and were able to catch three on a 1/2 oz trap and then popped one a little over 5 on an a-rig. The area of the lake we were in there is still matted grass out to 7-8 foot deep and then scattered out to about 11 (if these really cold nights persist I think you will start seeing the grass fall over pretty soon, usually happens if we get prolonged water temps in the low 50's or colder). The first three were on top of the grass, then the bigger fish was on the outside edge, which is really more scattered grass than an edge. We had 4 probably in a half hour and it really slowed thereafter. Luckily we culled a fish and then caught an 8.08 out of a 27 foot brushpile. Interestingly we spent the majority of the rest of the day, with the bulk of our catch in the box by 9:30-10:00, out deep trying to cull up. Not sure if it was the hi pressure, east wind, poor fishing skills or what but we didn't help the stringer at all doing that. With about 30 minutes left we went thru a grass scrape I had been catching some fish out of but due to poor execution on 5 bites we were only able to cull with one 3 lber. This is one of those that got away, we really had a chance to bust a big stringer today, but from the results with only 23 and change winning several teams are probably thinking the same thing. But great fun, super tournament for a great cause put on by Clint and Stacy from Outlaw and Hunter from TriLakes, well done all. Blog on really fun Sunday with a new PB to come!

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